Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mid August and almost Fall

Wow what happen to Lammas?
Kinda snuck up on us and was gone just that quick.

We used to have Pagan Wilderness Weekend during the closest weekend to Lammas.
The only reason we don't still continue to do this is that our land baron is extremely involved in SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism), ya know the whole Renaissance re-enactment bunch. One of SCA's biggest events, "Pennsic War ", runs during the first weekend in August every year.
While we have been told "Your group is our favorite group that comes to Elchenburg", he's still not comfortable being out of town when were there.
Honestly, it kinda makes sense.
He just wants to be able to be on hand if something comes up. Take for instance the last PWW this past June, due to a snafu with the care takers schedule the field didnt get mowed out before our event. Our land baron, while we insisted that it wasn't a big deal, insisted on coming out and getting it mowed down for us during our first day on the site.

He just likes to be able to take care of us if there is a need while we are on the property, we respect him for that.