Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Without further ado....# 1

Ok this will be, hopefully, the first of many NCPO ramblings.

We will have a web link on Witchvox in the near future. I set up our sponsorship today, huzzah!!. Plans for Hocus Pocus Focus are coming along smoothly and it looks like we are going to have a pretty fun weekend for everybody that comes along. The planning group, will also be getting together in the not to distant future to start discussing more and more of the nifty changes that we are going to be making for PWW next year. One of our 1st topics will be, of course, "How the hell do we beat the heat?!?" followed rather quickly by "vendors are nice but do we really need a ton of them, how 'bout just a few good ones?" Anyway hopefully we can come up with some reasonable ideas and decisions in the near future.
